Page 192 - YB1949
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THE COLLEGE ORCHESTRA Western Maryland's devotion to music is with the orchestra has proven to be highly well reflected in the spirit of the college or- productive of concrete results after gradua- chestra which is directed by Professor Philip tion in school music and other community Royer. music groups . . In January, the orchestra, under the direc- During the second semester, the orchestra, tion of eight student conductors, studying with numbering 36 members, and 36 members of Mr. Royer, presented a concert in Alumni Hall the college choir performed the opera, "Down for the student body, the faculty, and pupils in the Valley," by Kurt Weill. As an overture, from the Westminster Secondary schools. the orchestra played "Radio Piece," by the Helen Miles Dubel, Wanda Bradham, Anne American composer, Roy Harris. Shuppert, Mary Dodd, Dan Pinholster, Roy The orchestra also accompanied the Carroll Wamplee, Jean Daughtrey, and Lois Royer led County school chorus of 300 voices in a con- the orchestra 111 compositions by Peter certized version of the opera "Carmen," as a Tschaikowsky, Edward German, Emil Wald- finale to the Eisteddfod program on April 29. tenfel, Richard Wagner, Gilbert and Sullivan, The appearance of the orchestra on com- and Joseph Haydn. The training of these mencement day is a part of the college tradi- young conductors and their association directly tion. 186
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