Page 186 - YB1949
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First Row: M. Davis, E. Davis, B. Dodd, M. Auld, M. Dodd; Second Row: D. Shindle, R. Wilsey, C. Shook, J. Ogden, C. Coulter, J. Parker, D. Johnson; Third Row: L. Bowling, M. Simpson, E. Wright, L. Justice, J. Lacount, W. Marks, E. Hohman, E. Hamrnersla, C. White, M. Coverly, D. Townsend, C. Franko. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL President JAMES OGDEN two major topics, "What Can a Man Believe?" Men's Vice-President and "The Teachings of Jesus." Discussions led GEORGE COULTER by both faculty members and students on many Women's Vice-President facets of these subjects, have proved stimulat- JOYCE PARKER ing and helpful. The emphasis has been on Secretary-Treasurer CHARLES SHOOK participation of all class members in these Councilors MARADEL CLAYTON, discussions. ELINOR PRICE, ROBERT WILSEY Since the beginning of the current semester, the Class has been supporting a scholarship J fund for a Japanese secondary school student The William G. Baker Sunday School Class in Nagoya. This project, under the personal occupies an important place in the lives of direction of Wayne Cowan ('48), now in many students at Western Maryland. Founded Japan, gives the group a feeling of unity, and in 1872, by William McDaniel, the Class is is a practical expression of the values and ideals non-denominational and recognizes no differ- with which the Class is concerned. This feel- ences in race or creed. ing of unity has also been established through This year, under the guidance of Dr. Reuben participation in varied outdoor activities in- S. Holthaus, the Class has been concerned with cluding hikes and hilltop worship services. 180
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