Page 161 - YB1949
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string snapped as the Bees led all the way to a 59-55 win. Two days later we again beat Washington College, this time 70-56. Upset number two of the year followed as Mt. St. Mary's trailed the Green and Gold club from the opening whistle. A last second splurge had the Gill Gym rooters on their feet but the home team came off ahead 64-62. By winning this game we were assured of a playoff position. The altitudinous Dickinson team then laced the Terrors 77-51 but it was the third home game of the week that we all anxiously anti- cipated. Hopkins was the visitor and the local fans wanted victory. They got it. The final score was 82-63, the highest point total ever to be recorded in Gill Gym. The Jays led 1-0, but once in the fore, the Terrors left no doubt in the crowd's mind as to the eventual Hart pushes a one-handcr against Washington College. outcome. The Tournament found the Fergusonmen playing American U. in the first round. The St. Mary's, and Gettysburg. These games il- taller Eagles thwarted all the Westminsterites lustrated all too vividly that a lack of height except Hart, who got 21 points, as they elimin- was the team's greatest drawback. Only one ated the Terrors 84-60. of the starters topped the six-foot mark. Lathroum and Stephenson shared seasonal The last January game saw the W.M.C. club scoring honors as both just missed the 250 tramp heavily on Gallaudet, 61-45. Western mark. Adamovich, Jacobson, and Stephenson Maryland then rested in twelfth place in the have played their last games for Coach Fer- fifteen team league. guson but with a nucleus of Hart, Press, The change of semesters brought Walt Hart Lathroum, and Hale from which to work, next and Art Press to the team to supplement the year should find the Terrors higher in the great efforts of Leo Lathroum, Frank Steph- final standings than their 1949 seventh place. enson, and Al Jacobson. Hart's backboard work plus the set-shooting and floor play of Press provided the balance which previously had been lacking. - The Terrors gave Loyola a good workout Lathroum Stephenson before bowing 72-47. The next game initiated our longest winning streak of the season as we scored an upset victory over American, 61-59. The Johns Hopkins team was the re- cip~ent of the next Terror blast as they were whipped 64-49. Art Press scored 28 points in ~his c~ntest, the highest for a W.M.C. player 111 a single contest this year. Catholic U. was no more successful than Hopkins as they too got but 49 points while the revitalized Terrors got 58. A return game with Baltimore U. .saw our 157
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