Page 160 - YB1949
P. 160
Front Row, left to rig1lt: Munroe, Lathroum, Adamovich, Zawacki, Jacobson, and Stephenson. Second Row: Piavis, Siebert, Hajduk, and Hale. Back Row: Mgr. Meltzer, Coach Ferguson and Mgr. Regan. -- BASKETBALL The basketball team under the tutelage of quickly dispelled as the club skidded into its Bruce Ferguson ran rather true to form for longest losing streak of the year. In the space Green Terror cage squads in that it began the of eleven days losses were suffered at the hands season slowly and never really functioned well of Catholic U., Loyola, Hampden-Sidney, Mt. until late January. Once started the team soon became a problem to all Conference foes. lays one up as Hopkins Mullinix and (52) The four pre-Christmas contests found the Lathrourn (53) and the Terrors Jacobson (7) close in. Mitchell Terrors on the short end of the score in each instance. Lebanon Valley rocked the Green with a 65-44 loss to initiate the season. Wagner College of New York eased past the home team to record a 53-47 win. In the first Conference game, Baltimore University triumphed 60-57 and December 17 saw the American Uni- versity zone defense restricting the Green and Gold aggregation to 39 points while the Eagles poured through 64. Optimism scarcely ran high at this point though the season was yet young. The first game of the new year found West- ern Maryland recording its first triumph of the schedule as Washington College was edged 60-55. Any ideas harbored by anyone that the team had finally hit its stride were
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