Page 132 - YB1949
P. 132
Sigma Sigma Tau FIRST SEMESTER February, 1949 President ESTHER GUTBUB A new floor model radio-victrola was added Vice- Presiden t LOUISE REESE to the Sigma club room. During this month Secretary DORIS HOLMES seven new pledges came into our family. The Treasurer PAT OUTERBRIDGE tea was given for the Freshmen in McDaniel Sgt. at Arms MARY ADA TWIGG Lounge. Intersorority basketball games also took a prominent place in our club life. SECOND SEMESTER President CAROLYN SAPP March, 1949 Vice-President MARY ADA TWIGG We held a skating party with our brothers, Secretary JEAN DAUGHTREY Pi Alpha Alpha. In addition we undertook to Treasurer LOUISE SAPP sell refreshments in the dorms to relieve the "after hour hunger" and to gam some pro- Sgt.-at-Arms EILEEN WEEKS ceeds for CARE. October, 1948 April, 1949 Twenty new pledges entered our ranks. The Sigma Circus Carnival was back in the December, 1948 Community. Christmas party for Sigmas and our baskets May, 1949 of food, clothing, and toys, for our club-adopted family. May Day with its activities including the January, 1949 Pan Hell Dance was the main event. Sigmas closed the year's activities with the Senior Work on club yearbook was begun with banquet, and thirteen members joined the much enthusiasm. ranks of alumnae. M. Twigg, L. Reese, J. Daughtrey, L. Sapp, C. Sapp, E. Cutbub, E. \Veeks, D. Holmes. 128
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