Page 188 - YB1948_Classical
P. 188
FirSI Row: H. Christopher, J. Hackman, W. Sihi;;.1d,J. Spicknall, H. Earll, J. Thompson, K. E. Klohr, B. Donley, P. Callas, E. ,\!cFadden, C. Winfrey. K. Volkan, D. Beakcs C. Hankins, 1. B. Jones. Coach, R. Cushing. Third How: Treadwell, B. Eliason, E. Bruner, C. Brewer, A. Lynn. R. Sterling. SOCCER Coach Johnny Jones' soccer squad ex. able All-American mention and a position perienced a campaign of ups and downs in on an Olympic tryout team. compiling a 4 won and 8 lost record in In the first game of the schedule, the overall competition. In Mason-Dixon play, Terrors suR'ered from a Jack of practice the booters made a creditable showing by and were overwhelmed by Loyola by a 5-] downing Towson Teachers, Delaware, and margin. The following week the hooters Hopkins, while losing to Loyola and Wash- held the champion Washington College ington Col lege. eleven to a 2-1 decision. Then came a vic- As the season progressed, Ernie Me- tory over Towson Teachers, followed by a Fadden, George Winfrey, Doug Beakes, loss to Franklin and Marshall. In their best effort of" the fall, the soc- and Ken Volkart loomed as the big oflen. cerites trimmed the Blue Hens from the sive guns. Volkart proved to be a great University of Delaware by a 4-1 count. team player and play maker. After coming out on the short end of five The backfield was well-stocked with Homer Earll, Pete Callas, Jim Hackman, consecutive tilts with Baltimore, Maryland, the Bucknell, GeLtysburg, and Salisbury, Joe Thompson, and Walt Sibiski taking Terrors ended the season on a bright note leading roles. Homer Earll earned honor- by dusting off the John Hopkins eleven, 3-2. 184,
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