Page 81 - YB1947
P. 81
NELSON J. WOLFSHEIMER-"Scoop" . finger in lots of pies. always is being teased ... if not in Jones' office, try the grille or the gym ... dry wit. willing to work at anything he's interested in . three years in Army. sports editor of Gold Bug. considering journalism as a career. DONALD S. WOOLSTON-"Don". favorite outdoor pastime is golf . former member of the class of '44 . spent three years in the Army . even temperament and pleasant disposition. on ardent sports fan . fond of a brown-haired nurse. . clear thinker and careful planner .. ardent camera fan. RUTH SHIZU YAMAGUCHI-Smiling, friendly shortest member of senior class.. boundless energy . accomplishes a great deal in a short time .. has dane much to bring to the students here on understanding of the Orient. will go to the Occupational Therapy Division of Columbia U. in the fall. HARRY YINGLING-Toll and dark. always equal to on argument in psychology . has a fondness for McDaniel Hall. bridge player par excellence et par lentement . No.2 man on the tennis team intelligent. . has dry sense of humor .. plans to make a nome for himself in the business world. JOSHUA ZIA-Pre-med student . keeps up with the times. . loves classical music and never misses a concert or recital. . plans to return to China after the completion of med. school. possessed of a winning smile . capable and intelligent always willing to help on a tough assignment. 77
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