Page 138 - YB1947
P. 138
Fro"t Row-Corleto, Vio, Gemmill, Andenon, Bu,h, Malone, W. Piovis, Giannelli, Kulakow,ki, Corrado. Seoond Row-Mgr Brown, Sly,, Mendell, Kittner, Orten,i, O'Keeffe, Jen.en, G. Norman, B. Norman, Kern, Dorsey, G. Piavi" Margarita. Third Row-Line Coach Phillips, Head Coach Havens. Edword., Formwolt, Get" Dyke, Seibert, Bright, Paul, Burge", Helm, Monroe, MgL Solt.gaver, Bockfleld Coach fer9u.on, Back Row-Wilson, Jacobson, Vogli",ki, Silber, Douglo., Zephir. lothroum, Adamovich, Tulloi,Roach,Dubel,Hitchcock. Resuming football after c war-caused three-year layoff, 'he Western Maryland gridders, again under the tutelage of Charlie Havens, turned in a creditable record of ftve wins against two setbccks. The ftrst Green Terror football squad gathered on the campus on September 4 and set up headquarters in Gill Gymnasium in Une Coach Mih Phillip., Head Coach Charlie Havens, preparation for the coming season. Little was known of most of Sackr.eld Coach Bruce Fergu.on the players since there were only nine lettermen Tram the pre- war teams and not much could be expected of the inexperienced team. Havens hod as his first assistant his helper since 1935, Bruce Ferguson, to work with the backs and the captain of the 1942 team, Mike Phillips, to aid with the line. In the season opener the Terrors drew their bock-yard rival from Pennsylvania, the tough Gettysburg eleven. The Bullets hod defeated Lehigh the week prior to the outing with the Havensmen and thought the game was in the bag. Then come the ball game! The second time th~t the Green team had the ball resulted in the Fiest touchdown of the season os Art O'Keetfe tossed a twelve yard pass to Carlton Mendell in the end zone. Three ploys later Joe Kittner blocked the Bullets' punt and after four ploys Hank Corrado bucked six yards for the second tally of the period. The Bullets were stunned and completely out- played. In the third period Corrado climaxed a 65-yard drive by plunging over from the three-yard marker. Gettysburg's score came early in the last quarter on a 25-yord pc ss from Sachs 10 Rambo. Neither team threatened thereafter and the 134
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