Page 104 - YB1947
P. 104
Chairman SHIRLEY SNYDER Secretory MARGARET STATLER Treasurer JOANNA DOGGETT Keeper of The Scrapbook EMAJANE HAHN front Row-Snyder, J. Doggett, Dr, Mudge Sock Row-Hahn, Stotler The Trumpeters is an honorary organization tions. They decorate the dining hall for the Christ- composed of the four most outstanding women ot mas banquet. The group is interested above all the senior class. These women are selected oc- in upholding the ideals of W. M. C. by assisting cording to an objective point scale measuring wherever they are needed. curricular and extra-curricular activities. They Dean Katherine Carmichael, former Dean of must exemplify the highest in leadership and char- Women, founded this organization in 1944, with acter, and their academic overage must be "C" the aim in view of being accepted at the end of or better. a five-year probation period by Mortar Board, At an impressive Tapping Ceremony on the National Honorary Society for outstanding college President's lawn in May, the women selected are women. Dr. Evelyn Mudge serves as the adviser presented with caps and gowns by the graduating for this group, so named because of their motto: Trumpeters. "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who The Trumpeters return to school for Freshmen shall prepare himself to battle?" (1 Corinthians Week and ossist in the orientation program. They XIV:S). act as hostesses at teas and other college func- 100
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