Page 35 - YB1946
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First Row: E. Benson. B. Blades. L. Beglin. B, Powell. S. Snyder. Second Row: M. West. L. T, Stoner. B. Richter. E. Lamadrid. _Miss Walls. J, Neville. A. Cain. J. Hastings. M. Seltzer, Third Row: J. Cummings, K. Wheeler, E. Hahn, M. Little. E, Hammersla. M. Amoss. W. Cowan. M. Statier, K. Naylor, G. Mathias. Fcurth Row: G. Jemison, V. Ports. f Bartley, B. Holland The lights dim, voices hush. the rustling tucked the true meaning of Christmas into of programs ceases, and the curtain rises our hearts. and it was with great satisfac- on Act 1 of the Annual Thanksqivinq Day tion that we witnessed their presentations production of the College Players -the of the May Day and Senior Graduation triumphant climax of two years hard work plays. as scenery-painting Sophomores and We must not forget. however. their tire- make-up-applying Juniors. less backstage indispensables-the Sopho- Now, as veterans of the footlights. they mores. No less eagerly than they do we try their wings on their first full-length look forward to the lime when they shall three-act play. and almost as if it were claim the heart-warming applause and cur- tradition, they seem to attain new heights tain calls as did their predecessors in the each year. College Players-the poised, self-assured, On leaving Alumni Hall Sunday eve- delightful group of W.M.C.'ers who have ning. December sixteenth. we discovered been so ably taught and directed by Miss how skillfully the College Players had Ruth Beth Watts. 31
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