Page 31 - YB1946
P. 31
Carl Lawyer Schaeffer, A.B., B.S.E. The earth is man's home. His everyday life is influenced by its storms and floods, by the food that it produces for him, by the metals, coal. and oil that its rocks give him, and by the volcanoes and earth- quakes that change its form. What is tn- valved in the evolution of this great mass of elements? What are the forces that have changed and are changing it? These and other interesting questions are an- swered in the study of geology. A new conception of the endlessness of time is gained through the study of the vast num- Schaeffer ber of changes wrought upon the earth since its formation. The student himself sees that he, as a part of the history of man, is a part of the history of the earth. Geology field trip on the shore of the Patuxent
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