Page 30 - YB1946
P. 30
Spicer-always ready for a problem or lwo Clyde Allen Spicer, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Lincoln Forrest Free, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Man lives in a maze of figures: cooking plan, much less execute a plan, for the recipes, railway lime tables, speed limits, functional world society that is his post- bowling averages, calories, rainfall, gas- war dream. Not only is mathematics the meter readings, bank rates, insurance basis of all science, it has become the rates, bridge scores, and countless others. Unless he has the tools with which to basis for almost all daily tasks. Man has work himself out of this maze, he is indeed developed a calculating culture. To keep losl. Without a knowledge of mathematics, up with that culture it is necessary for the language of size and order, he cannot him to learn the language of calculation. 26
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