Page 39 - YB1946
P. 39
ORCHESTRA COMPLETE ROSTER OF ORCHESTRA MEMBERS: First Violins: M. A. Burkhardt. R. Snyder. G. Harris. F. Naill, R. Bennighof. W. Bradham, A. Orenstein. H Wright. Second Violins: A. Clendening. H. Miles, J. Tull, E. Lippy, J. Reese. Dr. Hildebran. Violas: N. Bark. man. M. Brilhart. Cello; J. Brown. Bass Viol: Dr. Bertholf. Trumpets: R. Palmer. E. Doherty. r. Doherty Trombcnes: Dr. Ridington. H. Gordy. French Horns: Dr. Earp, T. Quelch. J. Le<::hliter. Clarinets: R. Young blood. P. Maynard. Bassoon: C. Perry. Flute: Dr. Summers. Bass Horn: R. Mathias. Baritone Hom' K. Bouchelle. Harp: J. Chreitzberg. Pewussion: B. Miller. J. Minnis. Piano: F. Conaway Student Conductors: J. Dudderar. E. Young, G. Mathias. B. Leister, M. L. Alexander. G. Jemison. Under the direction of Professor Alfred college organizations. which included the de Long. the choir contributes to the Sun- annual Christmas program presented for day evening chapel services each week, the American Association of University when its members provide special an- Women. thems and solos. The annual Christmas The baton of Mr. Philip Royer directed program featured splendid choir music the student-faculty orchestra in one of the which was climaxed with Handel's Halle- annual appearances. the culmination of lujah Chorus. The choir's last performance hours of hard work and faithful practicing; was the spring concert, presented in place while students in the senior conducting of a usual chapel service, when the reper- class, who trained for months with the toire of the group featured both sacred and orchestra, directed the other concert of the secular numbers. season. The well-integrated group of Eighty voices sang in the Girl's Glee competent musicians rehearsed twice a Club for the 1945ยท46 season, under the able week somewhere in the depths of Alumni direction of Miss Murray. Meeting every Hall and culturally contributed much to Tuesday afternoon, the organization con- college life. sists of all girls interested in choral sing- Religiously. socially, and culturally, the ing. Besides the work done by the Glee music organizations on the campus play Club here on the Hill and the big annual an important pari; every student appre- concert at the Westminster Reformed ciates the fine work accomplished by the Church, performances were given for non- chair, girl's glee club. and the orchestra. 35
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