Page 27 - YB1946
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First Row: V. Carr, N. Wright. A. Shuppert, T. Evans. C. Royer. S. Mallen. M. Buhrman, S, Gaver. Second Row; M. Hillyard. E, Collins. L. Willis. W. Shauck. M. J. Collerd. G. Bevard. Miss Snader. E, Zatlin. Third Row; D. Gorsuch. B. Little. E. Ominsky. A. Gleckler. B. Powell. A. Maxwell. Fourth Row: E. Coale. M. Childs. M. Buderer. J. Howtand. J. Boller. C. Wilson, C. Buckel. J. Morris, N. Bowers. B. Green, D. Jacobson. P. Chat. terton. B. Bern. L. Clarke; M. A. Taylor Under the sponsorship of Mlle. Margaret are open to all members of the faculty and Snader, Le Cercle Francais provides social student body, These programs include and instructive activities for Western speakers, singing. drama, and games-et Maryland students of French and others tout en franqais! who are interested in la langue nencerse. The French Club is sponsor of a number Officers of the organization are Mlle. Wini- of events which have taken their place as fred Shauck. la presidente; Mlle. Janet Reese. la vice-presidente; Mlle. Louise a part of the Western Maryland tradition. Willis, Ia secrelaire; and Mlle, Mary Jane A special table franc;aise is reserved in the Collerd, la tresoriere. dining-hall one evening each month for All students taking, or who have taken. members of the group. The club annually French for one year during their college presents a program of Chansons de Noel course. are eligible for membership in the just before the Christmas holidays, and club. The meetings. held in McDaniel gives a French play in the spring to climax Lounge on the first Monday of each month, the year's activities. 23
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