Page 158 - YB1946
P. 158
Will we ever forget this flrat year of life actors just over a two- year Broadway run, on the Hill? It seems like one of the for we had surely been performing! Soon brightest days of our lives was one Tues- we had our first look at a Sadie Hawkins day in September-the 25th, to be exact. Dance, Hill style. By this time, we had There we were on the brink of a new gotten our first taste of those fabled West. experience and a new way of living. ern Maryland winters. We saw the Hill For that first week we were "king pins" turn from bright green to its frozen brown, and then came the "invasion." And with and very soon, to dazzling white. Later the advent of the newcomers we found it came the last stage in the Hill's metemor- increasingly hard to keep from being phosis. It was green again. but, unlike the known, for it wasn't long before the joys fall green, the trees entered in the display, of "Rat Week" descended upon our care- But it's the little things which will be free heads, and foot-wide placards an- with us longest: the countless "dorm" ses- nounced our names in bright green letters. sions, the Saturday hikes, mid-mominq When our week's "duties" were done, we breakfasts in the Grille, and those unfor- would have likened ourselves to seasoned gettable midnight "snacks," 152
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