Page 157 - YB1946
P. 157
D. Brohawn. Vice·President; M. Hershfeld. Historian; D. Wilder. Treasurer; S. Smith. Secretary; L. Burgess We came back to the Hill-we came where was all the spirit we had heard back looking forward to renewing friend- about-all the pep and enthusiasm of the ships. to "ratting" the freshmen. to join- "good old days?" The fact that college ing soronttes. We looked forward to being spirit was still below par was to us a sophomores-to being a real part of West- challenge. We. the sophomore class. led ern Maryland. pep rallies for the entire college. presented As sophomores. we saw the campus a colorful variety show. and even spon- make its change from war to peace. We sored an entire week-end of hilarity and still said good-bye to many of our class- fun. Determined to bring back to Western mates as they donned the khaki and went Maryland the wonderful feeling of true forth-this time to keep the peace. not to college spirit which pervaded the campus win the war. But we welcomed others. before War darkened the scenes of our who had done their part and had come back to the Hill. We eagerly greeted the college life. we all worked together toward increase of social life-more and larger thai one goal. formal dances. the new "rec" room. and And now we look toward the Western the changes accompanying the end of gas Maryland about which we have heard the rationing. seniors talk, toward a normal life. toward We sawall these material changes. but a world at peace. 151
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