Page 153 - YB1946
P. 153
D. Capobianco, Treasurer; J. Berryman. Historian; M. Selt~er. Vice-President: E. Haller, Secretary: f. Morgan. President When we became an integral part of life day came in the spring and finally V-J on the Hill in 1942, college life was just day. The War was overl . like books and stories said it would be. In September we started on the last mile There were football games, informal teas, of our journey with lighter hearts. Grad- bull sessions, boxing matches, and many ually, we welcomed back more and more formal dances. All these were inter- veterans and everything seemed gayer. mingled with plenty of brain work which We had a marvelous Christmas dance and perhaps the author of books had neglected senior Christmas caroling took on a new to mention. meaning. All too soon the lime for gradu- Then came our sophomore year and the ation approached, and looking back we Army moved in. It was swell knowing wonder how four years could pass so the soldiers and having them share our quickly. For most of us it has been our campus, but the dark cloud of war lurked greatest experience even though our life over us and somehow deprived us of lead- here has been in abnormal limes. For ing a typical college life. those who follow, there is a promise of a Before long we were Juniors, and it was more extensive curriculum, football games, a wonderful feeling to have come this far dances, and other social activities that go along the way. The Jr.Fresbmen hop to make up a normal college life. So as started off this year which also included we say farewell-we say to you.-GarpE:l the Jr. Prom and Rose-Cup Ceremony. V-E Diem. 147
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