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S. Snyder. President; E. Hahn. Vice-President; S. M Moore. Sergeant-at·arms; J. Hauver. Treasurer; M. StaUer. One-Twa-Three! So the years have derful time doing it! We joined sororities, gone! We juniors have now reached that began assuming a greater share in plan- stage of our college careers, when to look ning campus functions and managing down at the present freshmen makes us school publications and organizations, and feel "ancient," while to look back to the enjoyed more social life. Time slipped good 01' days when we were freshmen through our fingers because we were makes us wonder where these three years busier-we were sophomores! have gone! THREE-! Men began coming back, we One-! We came, we saw, They con- saw the possibility of reviving fine old quered! (First the sophomores-then the social activities of yesteryear and a greater protessorsl) After we had become adjusted college spirit. Supporting the Student to our new life, we found time to go to the Government plans for an Honor System, dances, and participate in the traditional we considered one of our most noteworthy campus organizations. Our first time round activities of the year. We also enthusiastic- on the merry-go-round ended in a burst ally stood behind the recreation room of speed with the lantern chain, our tribute opening and spent hours decorating it. to the seniors. This enjoyable year was culminated as Two-! We came back in the fall, we we paid well-deserved honor to the seniors saw new worlds to conquer in the form at the Junior-Senior Prom, the outdoor of frightened freshmen and more difficult supper, and our impressive rose·cup courses; we conquered all and had a won- ceremony. 148
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