Page 103 - YB1946
P. 103
As the snow retreats before the warm daggers of the spring sun, Nature "reaches her slim fingers into the chest of the earth to find a green satin coverlet" to softly dress her hills and trees. With the advent of spring comes the gladness and hope of stirring life and the bursting forth of all thai is beautiful. Ever lovely symbols of all thai is young and gay and good, the May Queen and her court are feted in the spirit of life's rejuvenation. Center: B. Mulholland. Queen. Lelt to Right: M. Powell. Freshman Attendant; B, Staley. Freshman Duchess; M. Vanderbeek. Senior Duchess; E. Gatchell. Senior Attendant: J. Dillon, Freshman Attendant; B. Richter. Senior Attendant; G. Harris, lunior Duchess; B. Schmidt, Junior Allendant; M. Eierman, Sopho more Attendant; M. Koblegard. Sophomore Duchess; M. J. Lyons. Sophomore Allendant.
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