Page 82 - YB1945_Classical
P. 82
FRESHMAN CLASS HISTORY Our class of '4r. began making history tion that we were now part of all the Iuuc- on Registration Day as we, the members of tions on the Hill. the infants department, toddled up to Prof. Volleyball, hockey, and basketball Whitfield's desk and timidly gave him QUI proved beyond a doubt thai the freshmen We were a happy and excited girls were athletically inclined as they went group as we eagerly followed the worldly" to the top in each. Not only did we take wise upperclassmen to locate our new part in intramural sports, but the choir, homes. orchestra and other academic and social But fear crept into OUf innocent young organizntions claimed our time. hearts as the ruthless sophomores intro- We soon learned of the Carroll, Mar- duced to us the ceremonies of "Rat Week." garet and Earl's; and in the Spring we Everything from a mock wedding to a discovered for ourselves the attraction of daily conga line was enacted for the enter- the Seventh Green. These hold a high place tainment of the glorious upperclassmen. in our college life. "Spring Dance," "F'rceze," "Air Raid." With pride in our hearts we will, from and "Praise the Sophomores" were but a this year forth, strive as the class of 1.948, few of the familiar expressions heard Oil to mnin tnin the high place which the campus as the female "rats" of '44 hast- alumni of this college have established. For ened 10 fulfill every desire. Yet, after all those of our class and the classes preceding was said and done, we were amazed to find us on the Hill who are noll' serving in the that a wonderful sophomore group had armed sen ice both here and abroad, for been hiding under the camouflage of initio those who have been wounded, and most ation ceremony. sincerely for those men who have paid the The first event sponsored by our class was highest price of we dedicate ourselves 11 "heart-throbbing" Valentine Dance. We to the fulfillment their ideals and hopes joined in wholeheartedly with the realian- for Western Maryland College. l:LASS OFFHERS Donald Brchawn, Treasurer; Bruce King, Vice-President, Christine Royer, Scare- lary; Maude Ricly, I'reside.u: 79
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