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THEO. F.SHAEFFER BORDEN'S· Plumbing. Heating, Tinning CONTRACTOR Ice Cream Rock Wool Home Insulation Grand Gas Ranges If it's BORDEN'S it's got to be good Oil Burners Stokers PHONE 359-J 92 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. T. W.MATHER & SONS P. FRANKEL READY-TO-WEAR OUTFITTERS "Westminster:s Leading Store" Particularly for Younger Class of Boys and Girls * CAMBRIDGE, MARYLAND RELIABLE MER~HANDISE at Popular Prices Compliments of * Rutan Chevrolet Sales Westminster's Oldest and Best Department Store WESTMINSTER, MD. Maynurd, Philip Theodore 22% Westmoreland Sr.. Anzulovic, Jean Virginia 4904 Indian Lane, Westminster, Md Berwyn. Md. Mcrcditb, Henry Emerson Federalsburg, Md. Armiger, Elizabeth Bluir 4114 Westview Road, Mulligan, Thomas Coleman 209 Maryland AI'C., Baltimore 18, Md. Cambridge, Md. Baker, Mary Jean 2900 E. Fayette s., Palmer, Hiehurd Arden ID EU$[wu)', Creenbeh, "hl Baltimore 24, Md. Phipps, Vernon Jackson Deale,l\I,!. Beamer, Nancy Louise R.F.D. No.6, Westminster, Md. Riuler, John Marlin 4736 Wilern R,I., Beck, lIIari(ln Utttlle 701 Brookwood Rond, Baitirn!>r{l 15, Md. Baltimore 29, Md. Schindltlr, Israel Morton 2410 E. Fairmount Ave., Biddle, Mary Jane Mauldin Ave., Box 82, Haitimore24, Md. Nortb East, .MJ. Selby, Wesley Thomas Myrtle St., Crisfield, Md. Bluuey, Clarabelle Lee 111~lt~~o~st~3,d 1I1~: Sies, Luther Franklin Route No.6, WestmiJl$ter, Md. Smith, Guy Raymond Hurlock, 11],1. 9092 Ridge Road, Snyder, Luther Hobert £. Kings St.. liltleSlown, PJ. Bainbridge, Md. Stephenson, frank Williams, Jr. Box No. 746, Brown, Janel 1'-larie 3719 lIIarmon Ave .. Dawson. Pa. Baltimore 7, Md. Thompson, Joseph Marshall W. Locust St., Oxford, Pu. Brown, 10 Ann Fay 121 Wesl II SI., Brunswick, 1'.1r1. Truitt, Alfred Tulrnadge, Jr. "Oaks," Salisbury, M(I. Brown, Kalherine Louise Columblu Rd., Twigg, ErneSI Robert Ml. Savage, Md. Ellicott City, Md. Venables, Mari(", Weber F'ruitland,J',.ld. Brown, Louise Gertrude HOltie No. I, Westminster, Md. Wharton, George Van Sant Golts, Md. Brown, Patricia Ann IJ(lX 336, Salishury, Md. Buckel, Catherine Georgiu 5611 .lcuqull Ave .. Baltimore IS, Md. FRESHMAN WOMEN Buhrman, Madeline lean Craeeham, Md. Adams, Martha Elizabeth 102 Vue de L'Eau Sr., Burch-Elizabeth 6832 Wilson Laue, Bellie.;cia 14, Md. C~mbridge, l\ld. Burkhardt, Mary Alice 7235 Hughes Ave., Anderson, RlI1h ElJiolt 3115 Guilford Ave .. Baltimore 19, stu. Baltimore JR, ~ld !lutler, Hanict Bess Denton, Md.
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