Page 91 - YB1944
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MAY DAY Almost overnight the drab brown of the court, who symbolized for us the exquisite campus became a soft carpet of green ... delicacy and fragile beauty of this new sea- the trees, not to be outdone by the fair coeds son. What pictures they made in their soft in the Easter parade, immediately rustled pastels! We crowned our fair queen of the 'round and burst forth in lovely new shades May with a garland of flowers and paid her of green. We sighed, and realized that homage. Then it was time for the entertain- spring had crept upon us once more ... and ment . . . a charming play entitled The what better way to celebrate its arrival than Cobweb King. by a festival, a practice dating back to the It was a day to remember. We welcomed Romans' worship of Flora, the goddess of spring gladly, for the winter had been long. flowers, and the old English custom of "going- We welcomed her promise of new hope for a-Maying" and returning to crown the fairest brighter days to come. Surely with so much maid of the village. loveliness in the world, those days couldn't We chose the beauteous queen and her be too far away. LEFT TO RIGHT: M. Vanderbeek, sophomore attendant; B. Mulholland, sophomore duchess; E. Marsh, sophomore attendant; M. A. Smith, senior attendant; V. Horine, senior duchess; D. Himler, senior attendant; R. Larmore, queen; M. Whiteford, junior attendant; J. Eddy, junior duchess; J. McKinley, junior attendant; H. Harris, freshman attendant; S. Snyder, freshman duchess; M. Shultz, freshman attendant. R~t . 85
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