Page 95 - YB1944
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FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: B. Blake, N. Mizell, M. Welsh, LEFT TO RIGHT: M. L. Stevens, L. Palmore, G. Knight, B. Baker, D. Kemp; SECOND ROW: M. Moffett, F. Moles- P. Burr, J. Hauver, A. Hitchcock, J. Horsey. worth, J. Bove, T. Jones, J. Baker, M. Lloyd. . Hockey Champs Basketball Champs Crisp, cool days ... healthy girls dashing Due to present-day transportation difficulties, out of the gym, laden with hockey sticks ... basketball games with other schools were practically impossible this year. However, blue and yellow uniforms racing up and down the freshman "A" team, which captured the the field ... days of grueling practice-and intramural championship, played two outside it's hockey season. games. One of the games was with West- The sophomores, determined to retain their minster High School and the other with Taneytown High School. This freshman team crown, came on to the field with nine of their enjoyed an undefeated season both in the original eleven players, expecting competi- tournament games and the outside contests. tion from the senior squad. The surprise ele- The freshman class had a large turn-out ment entered when the hard-playing juniors and entered six teams in the tournament. The sophomores had three teams, and due to the unexpectedly upset the seniors in a well- comparatively small junior and senior classes, fought game. Then the championship game each had only one team. -and excitement ran high as the sophomores The tournament consisted of three groups. struggled to keep their one-point lead. The As was already mentioned, the freshman "A" team won the Group I title. The sophomore whistle blew, the sophomores had won, and "B" team was the victor in Group II, while the hockey became a thing of the past. Hockey freshman "E" team finished at the top of sticks were reluctantly put away, and only a Group III. fond memory of breathless triumph remained, This year's honorary team, selected by the W. A. A. Board, was composed of five fresh- leaving every player with that let-down feel- men, Joanna Hauver, Geraldine Knight, Alice ing, and an unspoken vow to "do better next Hitchcock, Eloise Horsey, Phyllis Burr, and one year." sophomore, Doris Kemp. 89
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