Page 86 - YB1944
P. 86
Prof. Royer gives last minute instructions before raising his baton Another school year passes into history, and Under the very capable direction of Miss the college choir has completed a series of Grace Murray, this popular chorus made six rehearsals, Sunday night chapel perform- public appearances. Programs were given ances, annual Christmas program, and final for the American Association of Women's spring concert. As always, it was a successful Clubs, the College Faculty Club, the West- season for the fifty amateur "Met." stars; and, minster Reformed Church, and the Westmin- as usual, it was the patience and perseverance ster Methodist Church. On April 26, the girls of Professor Alfred de Long, conductor, who sang at the Charles Carroll Hotel for the made it so. Rotary Club. The Glee Club's grand finale The college got a good bird's eye view of was on May 1st, when they sang their entire Levine's vocal talent this year, for there were year's repertoire in McDaniel Lounge at their numerous solos to diversify the musical medi- spring concert. The program was composed tation of the chapel service. There seemed of both sacred and secular numbers, and was to be a wider variety of soloists this year, too, a fine example of the ability of Miss Murray and many proud parents had personal incen- to bring forth the best of vocal talent from tives to attend the vesper services. That's the girls. what happens when a man like Professor As was the case with many of the college de Long trains a girl who has musical poten- organizations, the orchestra faced difficulties tialities-they soon become amazingly pleas- this year in regards to personnel. However, ant realities. capable musicians were found among the The Christmas program was largely at- cadets, and under the conductorship of Mr. tended, and even the regular yearly visitors Philip Royer, a well-integrated group resulted. got a great thrill from hearing Handel's During October and November, students in Halleluiah Chorus which concluded the the senior conducting class underwent a brief program. training period with the orchestra itself, and Of course the traditional choir trip was out made very successful attempts to imitate Mr. this year, so a Sunday evening chapel service Royer's technique. A student conducting pro- on April 30 including only choir music, sacred gram on December 11th was the culmination and secular, was climactic for both choir of their training. March 17th marked the members and audience. Then, on May 28, high point of the year for the orchestra when that memorable day, seniors sang their last the annual program was presented, under anthems in the Western Maryland choir with the direction of Mr. Royer. Included in the mixed feelings of joy, sadness, and pride. program was Savannah, a composition by This has been a successful year for the Miss Joyce Barthelson, prominent member of Girls' Glee Club, but that is not unusual. the college music department. 80
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