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each tournament an honorary team is chosen, which is merely a recognition of the most skillful players. This team never plays a game as a team, nor do its members receive any more points for being on it. The execu- tive board chooses this team after careful study and selection. This year, the fall season opened with the usual large turnout for field hockey. This game, although new to many freshmen at Western Maryland, always draws many pros- pective players. At the end of the tourna- ment the sophomores were declared the victors. Selections for the honorary team were made as follows: right wing, Peg Thomp- son; right inner, Jean Lee Phillips; center, Jeanne Dieffenbach; left inner, Marjorie Welsh; left wing, Mildred Lloyd; right half- back, Doris Kemp; center halfback, Ruth Hausmann; left halfback, Donna Duvall; right fullback, Gale Lodge; left fullback, Dorothy Miss Todd and Miss Parker Rovecamp; goalie, Jeanne Prokaska. The alternates were: right inner, Charlotte Anne The executives in the realm of women's sports. Wilkins; left inner, Betty Baker; left wing, Their job is bigger than ever before. Nina Mizell. Badminton took over for a few days before Christmas vacation. Ethel Dunning, '46, emerged victorious in this, with Marjorie Cassen, '47, runner-up. Fencing was also in "Strike three! You're out!" Yes, it's Miss progress at this time, and Donna Duvall was Parker's familiar voice heard out on the soft- established as the first Western Maryland champion duelist. ball field, while on another part of the Following Christmas vacation, basketball campus, we find Miss Todd coaching her girls came into its own with the freshmen carrying in the arts of tennis and archery. off top honors in the tournament. Following But it is only in the spring athletics that one close on the heels of basketball, volleyball finds these two separated. At every other took over, and this time the sophomores time of the year, the spectator will find both carried off the honors, repeating their last Miss Parker and Miss Todd collaborating on year's performance. the refereeing of the season's game. Finally spring was ushered in. Archery Few realize just what an important role began with many new enthusiasts, but the weather did not encourage outdoor sports, these two faculty members assume on the and the shooting had to be done indoors for campus. Hats off to these two leaders, who several weeks. Finally the rain stopped, and do so much towards preserving the good tennis, archery, softball, and golf began in spirits and health of many of the women earnest. students on the Hill! 87
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