Page 85 - YB1944
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"tn~, d..'u {)(J.Ud,. pLaii. " FIRST ROW: Mlle. Voorhees, Mlle. Stewart, Mlle. Collerd, Mlle. Clark, Mlle. Klein, Mlle. Beasman, Mlle. Maddox, Mlle. Anderson, Mlle. Willis; SECOND ROW: Mlle. Carr, Mlle. Davies, Mlle. Maxwell, Mlle. Wilson, Mlle. Carter, Mlle. Tenney, Mlle. Shipley, Mlle. Webb, Mlle. Lassahn, Mlle. Reese, Mlle. Dewey, Mlle. Snyder; THIRD ROW: Mlle. Burgee, M. Hatem, Mlle. Cassatt, Mlle. Gehr, Mlle. Stevens, M. Brewer, Mlle. Gelhaus, Mlle. Amoss, Mlle. Amoss, M. Coulter, Mlle. Adkins. Le Cercle Francais Argonauts L'esprit francais has been truly evident this In 1935, led by Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, and year in the monthly meetings of Le Cercle inspired by the ancient Greek legend of a Francais. A junior woman, Mlle. Adele band of heroes who, in the ship ARGO, went Tenny, has been la Presidente. The other in search of the golden fleece of truth and an honor society officers were Mary Frances Shipley, vice- wisdom, students formed Ranking among the known as the Argonauts. presidente; Mary Webb, secretaire, and Ann first of the organizations on the Hill, the work Ca rter, tresorier. is carried on by associate members, who are juniors and seniors maintaining an average of "B" or better. They are assisted by spon- These officers, with the aid of our sponsor, Mlle. Margaret Snader, have presented a sors Miss Addie B. Robb and Dr. William Meetings this year were held once Ridington. variety of programs. Highlights of the year a month, activities culminating in the May have been une soiree, conducted by Dr. Ziev, banquet when we were honored to have H. and the traditional Chansons de Noel. In Murray Benson of Baltimore as our speaker. February, une partie de bridge et bingo pro- Those graduating cum laude or summa cum vided a lighter touch. Several club members laude then formally attained full membership in the society. entertained us in March with a program of Officers for the year were: President, Chansons et Poesie. Une fete de printemps, Frances Hall; Vice-President, Ann Meeth; featuring a French play, climaxed our Secretary, Dorothy Clarke; and Treasurer, activities for the year. Mary Rehmeyer. SEATED: A. Tenney, L. Gischel, A. Meeth, R. Miles, D. Clarke, F. Hall, K. Waring, M. Rehmeyer, A. Kuhn, A. Rice; STANDING: J. Geary, V. Forsythe, J. Andrews, M. Thompson, M. Strickland, W. Harrington.
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