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Sunday School Each Sunday morning in William G. Baker Chapel, members of the student body unite for the purpose of "finding God on the campus." Worship services led by students, assisted by a student choir, are followed by discussions under the direction of a faculty member of the college or seminary. The application of Biblical advice to present-day problems is the purpose of these informal discussions. Mr. Milson Raver sponsors the Sunday School, to which anyone in the student body may belong, regardless of creed. The Sunday School is a college project seeking to aid the college in its effort to mold integrated personalities, ready and able to meet the problems of a changing world. SEATED: R. Miles, P. Donovan, B. Slacum; STANDING: D. Bennighof, R. Harrison, J. Branford. Wesleyans The Wesleyans are made up of under- graduate pre-ministerial students who meet bi-monthly at the home of Dr. lawrence little, professor of philosphy and religion. Discussions centering around current prob- lems of the students or problems to be faced in the student's future ministry are carried on with great interest. The students themselves conduct services in the various churches around Westmin- ster and Baltimore. This year the Wes- leyans are endeavoring to give Alumni Hall the atmosphere of a worship center rather than just an auditorium. FI RST ROW: W. Cook, H. Fuss, R. Harrison, H. Lamadrid, E. Morey, B. Lines, R. Adams; SECOND ROW: J. Dorsey, W. Smith, W. Roberts, C. Doggett, W. Keeffe, J. Mort, J. Geary, H. Lewis, D. Lewis. S. C.l The Student Christian Association, whose purpose it is to provide an opportunity for every student to participate actively in religious services, attains this goal in the regular Wednesday night vespers held in Baker Chapel, under the leadership of Paul Henry. The S. C. A.'s largest and most successful under- taking of the year was the Religious Emphasis Week, directed by Dr. Harold Bosley. Evidences of its effect are seen in the short devotional ser- vices, which are now held in the dormitories every Friday night. In addition to these, the S. C. A. sponsored socials all year. FIRST ROW: K. Waring, R. Miles, L. Jackson, P. Henry, O. Cook, J. Beall; SECOND ROW: J. Vogel, R. Harrison, J. Branford.
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