Page 76 - YB1944
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FIRST ROW: T. Jones, B. Mulholland, R. Hagemann, B. Richter, P. Shipley, B. Brower, H. Jones, J. Shirley; SECOND ROW: V. Horine, M. F. Shipley, M. Studebaker, J. McKinley, D. Clarke, R. Larmore, D. Rovecamp, C. Price, P. Johnson, C. Wilkins, D. Hines, M. Fredrick; THIRD ROW: R. Hausman, W. Bell, M. Carter, C. MacConney, S. Townsend, C. Dewey, C. Suddith, P. Donovan, M. Vanderbeek, J. Burtis. SIGMj SIGMA TAU On October 12, 1943, the meeting was called gifts for all, with accompanying poems for our to order by the president, Rebecca Larmore, entertainment. And then, we sang carols- and a new year had begun for Sigma Sigma the only perfect ending to a wonderful party. Tau. Treasurer Betty Billingslea brought out Back from the Christmas holidays, we all her nice, new finance ledger, and Secretary began an immediate and enthusiastic "house- Cordelia Price settled back to write her cleaning" and redecoration. The second weekly accounts of the first semester's activi- semester arrived, and new officers were ties. And now that the year is over, we shall elected: Dorothy Rovecamp, president; Cor- look briefly in "the minutes" to see just what delia Price, vice-president; Janice McKinley, an interesting time we've had. secretary; Virginia Lee Horine, treasurer; A delicious supper in the clubroom was our Rebecca Larmore replaced Dorothy Clarke as first social event, and we immediately re- alumnae secretary; Doris Hines succeeded solved to have them more often. Charlotte Ann Wilkins as sunshine messenger; In November, we welcomed sixteen new and Mary Louise Reese followed Ruth Haus- members. Came next the usual clubroom man as sergeant-at-arms. hazing and formal Saturday afternoon initia- The last part of our grand year included a tion. The pledges were lucky this year, "scrumptuous" dinner and movie party, a though, because the Army cadets on our patriotic substitution for the usual Baltimore campus prevented any social embarrassments excursion, but loads of fun just the same. caused by freakish attire. No more pale, un- Early in the spring we had our tea in lipsticked, de-glamorized maids until after the McDaniel Lounge to get acquainted with the war! freshman girls. Later in the spring, we Another supper party to welcome the new donned slacks and took the freshman girls on members; and on Homecoming Day the a gay hayride and picnic for our annual rush Sigmas served refreshments to visiting alum- party. Even the old mule was hard to find nae and friends. this year! The highlight of the year was our Christmas With the last banquet for the seniors in party, with Santa Claus and his pack, a lovely May, our year was completed. A series of tree all decorated, and delicious red and sad farewells, promises to write often-and green punch to match the atmosphere of thus we departed with our traditional "Fide Christmas cedar and mistletoe. There were et Amore." 70
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