Page 72 - YB1944
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FIRST ROW: A. Winters, M. Strickland, A. Stevens, H. L. Ridgley, A. Avers, C. McBride, I. VanFossen, R. Miles, L. Jackson; SECOND ROW: E. Young, P. Mannino, B. Baker, W. Shauck, S. MacDorman, R. Leister, E. Royer, K. Waring, D. Duvall, M. Gross, E. Higgins, A. Donaldson, M. V. Webb; THIRD ROW: E. Piel, J. Berryman, J. Dudderar, W. Baker, V. Ports, M. Helldorfer, M. B. Fresch, M. D. Pyles, M. Wilson, A. Rice, F. Brown, J. Andrews, J. Bove, M. Seltzer. IOTA GAMMA CHI 1943- 1944. What a momentous year in the The farewell to our February graduate, annals of Iota Gamma Chi! We welcomed Sabra MacDorman, will remain a memory of thirty-two coeds as J.G.C-ers, members of the speeches and Valentine candy hearts. sorority that for fifty-two years has upheld With a new secretary, Anne Winters, with the high ideals of "friendship, goodwill, and Evelyn Royer as president, Anne Avers as love" on which it was founded. vice-president, Catherine Ann Waring as Only the sisters saw the uncurled hair, the treasurer, and Ann Rice as alumnae secretary, somber costumes, the stunts and burdens as the club whirled through spring events. the initiations moved out of sight of the February! and McDaniel Lounge was filled A. S. T. U. cadets. The mysteries of darkened with the sounds of the rattle of punch cups, rooms, the ghostly shrieks of the torture soft music, and the buzz of the members and chamber are vivid memories which all hold the freshman rushees. as the commencement of some of the most Piling one on the other came the "house- pleasant moments of college life. warming" for the clubroom, getting out the Confronted with the war curtailments, Iota alumnae news letter, the installation of the Gamma Chi turned to its own talent for new officers, May Day and open house for entertainment. our alumnae sisters, the rush party, and the The Christmas banquet - carols sung, senior farewell picnic given by sophomore stories told, jokes, and speeches by our and junior members. sponsors, Miss Martha E. Manahan and Miss Then, before we realized it, May was over Margaret Snader, made it a very merry time and graduation was at hand. With what indeed. With that contented feeling which mixed feelings of happiness and regret the comes from good food, the members "took members faced the summer vacation! Those over" the Carroll Theater for the evening. who leave the Hill and Iota Gamma Chi will Returning to the Hill after the "holidays, carry away precious memories of friends and the members were seized with that old desire, good fellowship "dear to our hearts." renovation. A new studio couch, cream- With the knowledge that they will always colored walls, rugs, curtains, innumerable ad- have a welcome place in the club that has ditions transformed the "upper" room into a been so much a part of their college lives, dream palace. Iota Gamma Chi closed its doors for 1943-44.ยท 66
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