Page 75 - YB1944
P. 75
FIRST ROW: P. Barrett, M. Soper, C. Schumann, R. Davis, A. Beasman, F. Wahmann, N. Mizell, D. Kemp, P. Davis; SECOND ROW: J. Eddy, J. Eckhardt, P. Green, G. Spry, A. Covington, M. A. Smith, F. Hall, G. Dryden, R. Callahan, T. Young; THIRD ROW: J. Anderson, A. Leete, E. Dunning, M. Spaulding, L. Ramsburg, H. Stewart, A. Kuhn, J. Vogel, J. Beall, M. Little, A. Nichols, M. Lloyd, N. Edelston, M. L. Alexander. The time is October, 1943; the place is the passwords at our rush tea for freshmen in Phi Alpha Mu clubroom. Cries of "Hello, Joe, March. whatcha know?", "How are you, anyway?", First thing we know Robin Redbreast, "What's new, Mabel?" fill the air as returning Esquire, has appointed himself alarm clock members greet each other. Another year- for the whole campus-and we awake to find and the Phi Alphs are off once again to a that "Sweet Spring" has come to the Hill. glorious start. For the first few weeks we are Clad in plaid shirts and blue denims, with busy pledging new wearers of the purple and straw hats set at a rakish angle and knap- white, who soon sample tasty examples of the sacks swinging jauntily over one shoulder, we culinary abilities of our home ec. majors take to the trail one day in spring and "Hobo (aided and abetted by the local bakery) when Hitch"-it (slyly thumbing rides from that pre- we entertain them at a dinner in November. historic animule-the auto) to our destina- 'Tis the night before Christmas vacation- tion at Hobo Haven. Robin Hood and his and all through the clubroom, festive with merry men never had a more gala feast thon ribbon, holly, paper angels and even a ours. Christmas tree, the Phi Alphs make a cannon It surely can't be May already! But it is, factory sound like a graveyard at midnight. and time for the farewell banquet to the Our erstwhile poets have turned gray-haired seniors. Bottoms up-"long live the Phi overnight and ruined at least two dozen Alphs"-and, soon-goodbye. pencils apiece, trying to compose "pomes" The year ended. Not all of it was fun. We to accompany the crazy gifts we exchange at rolled bandages, bought stamps, kept up our our annual Christmas shindig. Jolly ole Saint brother Gamma Bets' morale by frequent Nicholas is none other than Miss Robb, our letters, and went all out for Victory. But sponsor. these things here recorded we shall always And now it's January, 1944. Vacation is remember. In Saturday bridge games, Tues- over and we settle down to making -this the day club meetings, in Friday jam sessions and best new year yet, beginning, in true Phi Sunday records, we learned the meaning of Alph fashion, with a feast in the clubroom the cooperation, loyalty, and, above all, true night after we return to school. In February, sisterhood. The spirit of Phi Alpha Mu will we don top hats, white gloves and tails for shine on through the years, its bright light our banquet downtown, after which we "take undiminished by time in the hearts of its in" a show. "One lump or two" become the members. 69
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