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PHYLLIS EDN A CADE ELIZABETH G. EBA UGH MARVIN FRANK EV ANS 25 NEWBURY AVE. 4322 WILLIS AVE. 104 DEVONSHIRE HALL CATONSVILLE. MD. MERCHANTVILLE. N. J DREXEL HILL. PA. Picture of athletics ten ms "lbby" a congenial per- Has a major interest in sense one enthusiast friendly, talka- sonage with an admirable for every- physics and a secondary hard-work- in of humor. a smile "lit tle things" tive. and a great mixer sel- one .. bridge fan teaching dom seen without 'Benr' ing ALOHA editor. . lives to cooperative and helpful will be her career. plans an army career. ALLAN HOWARD COHEN JAMES IRVING ELLIOTT TONY LeROY FLEMING MD. 1915 GWYNNS FALLS PARKW'Y 1714 WEST DEL. ST. Day SYKESVILLE. inseparable from hop BALTIMORE, MD Piano LAUREL, extraordinary his car . quiet. good-looking pounder The best sponsor of the din- speaks French fluently at and studious . the Deeds and ing hall . ardent fan of the times used to inhabit Earl's Fleming combination a cal- grill. football lineman and now with Uncle Sam. culus brain. wrestler of note . brain with brawn JOSEPH ADRIAN ELLIOTT MARGARET LOUISE FOX l714WESTST 20 MILTON AVE FRANCIS LEE COOK LAUREL. DEL. WESTMINSTER, MD. 81 BOWERY ST. Redhead . consistant caller Plans a teaching career a FROSTBURG, MD. at McDaniel swing fan capable day-student who can be 'F" friendly, down-to- solid on the sax .. plans a ca- counted on to do a job well earth fellow. sportsman reer in medicine . enjoys a interested in English interested in hunting .. inter- laugh anywhere. anytime. esting conversationalist hails from the "mountings" ALBERT R. FRIEDEL JANE SIMMONS ETZLER 3800 BARRINGTON Ro LINWOOD. Mo BALTIMORE. MD. VERNA ESTELLE COOPER Did cadet teaching during Owner of ABERDEEN. MD. first semester day student Consistent Dean's Lister friendly cards plays quiet and friendly a student with a definite interest in science active member of TTl-Beta. SALLY ANN COX 92 KENTWAY AVE. DUNDALK, MD. Fourth floor of Blanche Ward will seem strange without . Plink" ... a sophomore trans- fer. joined Delrs and became their treasurer "Hello Kid" BETTE M. CRAWFORD 1608 E. 30TH ST. BALTIMORE, MD. Blonde and vivacious contagious giggle.. Iike~ to tease .. another Sigma bridge fan . sincere and friendly well groomed and stylish. VTRGINIA D. CRUS IUS 145 W. 55TH ST. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Another senior tennis fan .. loves the game and plays it well talented dramatics. ath- letics. and impersonations em- ploy her time. EDITH JOAN DANIEL MECHANICSBURG. FA. Mainstay of the sociology and psych departI1_lents . Cad" Coh"n F. Cook Cooper wears Delt and Ph1 Sig frater- Co, Crawford Cru~iu. Daniel. nity pins.. bridge enthusiast Ebaugh J. L Elliott J. A. Elliott Etzler with an infectious laugh. Evan. Fleming Fo. Frj~del
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