Page 58 - YB1941
P. 58
GLADYS EILEF.N Tuo'r'r-c-Typicnl Southern Marylander in slow motion ... attractive, im- maculate dress ... plays bridge until all hours .. a smooth typist=-expects to become a private secretary. . nicknamed "Trucky" and can swing into a shag at a moment's notice. ANITA ]\,IAY TWICG-A quiet, efficient Home "Ec'er," "Twiggy" is always on hand when needed-whether in the dining hall or the dorm ... a willing worker who will make good as a Home Economics teacher or in its more practicable applications. dabbles in art. EDGAII LEIGH VENZKE-"He's a hard man" ... independent, persevering, outspoken, strong- willed and determined, Leigh backs down before none Delta Pi Alpha treasurer member of several championship "Preacher" teams plans to teach history or English. ALICE LENORE VOLLluEH-"Corky" ... member of Sigma Sigma Tau occupies an important position in the Women's Student Government ... class secretary participates in all girls' athletics . Home Ec student who takes her work sei-icuslv ... fine social organizer. TROTT TWIGG VENZKF. VOLT.?>IF.R
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