Page 59 - YB1941
P. 59
WEANT WIEDERSUM WIGLEY WILDEY EDWARD OSCAR WEANT-"Prac" ... ardent Lil' Abner fan ... president of the "nothin' over eight bridge dub" . loval fraternity brother who is friendly to all ... constantly dashing around the counn-yelde in his old 44ยท444 a good car but needs nursing along. ANNE EUSE WIEDERSm.I-Tall, dignified brunette member of Phi Alpha Mll ... has noted artistic ability .. her major is biology, which she plans to teach ... wears smart clothes with a stylish snap ... usually seen knitting .. attractive, full of fun, friendly. DORCAS JEANETTE WIGLEy-A striking blonde sportswoman ... active in virtually every phase of women's athletics ... selects her hobbies unci hiends from the world of sports .. a perennial member of the May Court was elected to serve as Senior Duchess. DONZEL CLAYTON WILDEy-A leader in S. C. A member of Delta Pi Alpha ... courteous ... dignified .. indulges in both indoor and outdoor sports. . cooperative and a pleasure to work with pessimistic but pleasing sense of humor well-liked by his many friends.
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