Page 23 - YB1941
P. 23
Marie Parker, B.S., Margaret Julia Snader, A.J3., A.M., Assistant Professor of Physical Education Assistant Professor of Modern Languages Rufus Culver Puryear, Esther Smith (American Academy of Dram(llio Sergeant, Enlisted Assistant Arts), Assistant Professor of Dramatic Art "*Kathleen Moore Haver, A.B., Daisy Willnifred Smith, 13.S., A.M., Instructor in Home Economics Associate Professor of Home Economics Milson Carroll Raver, B.E., Sara Elizabeth Smith, A.J3., A.M., Ed.D., Instructor ill Physics and Geology Associate Professor of Education Lawrence Samuel Reynolds, B.S., first Lieutenant, Oliver Kingsley Spangler, A.B., B."Mus., M.Mus., Infantry, Assistant Professor of Military Science lnsu-uctorin Music. and Tactics Hugh Barnette Speir, A.B., A.M., William Robbins Ricliogton, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physical Education Associate Professor of Classics Clyde Allen Spicer, A.B., A ..M., Ph.D., Philip Samuel Royer, A.B., A.lVI., Professor of Mathematics Instructor in Music Iloselda Fowler Todd, A.B., A.M., Addie Belle Robb, 8.S., A.M., Instructor in Physical Education Assistant Professor of History Sarah Suzanne Tweed, B.S., Percy Lee Sadler, Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, instructor ill HOllie Econotnics Professor of Military Science and Tactics Jane Young Veasey, B.Mus., Carl Lawyer Schaeffer, A.B., 8.S.E., Instructor in Music Assistant Treasurer and Professor of Physics Minnie Marsden Ward, A.B., A.M., Librarian Edwin Keith Schempp, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Evelyn Wingate Wenner, A.B., A.M., Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administmtiou Assistant Professor of English Samuel Biggs Schofield, A.B., A.M., Dean of Theodore Mlll"shall Whitfield, A.B., Ph.D., Professor of History Administration and Professor of Chemistry Joseph Clemens Willon, A.B., A.M., Mary Louise Shipley, A.B., Assistant Professor of Modern Languages Instructor in Art George Stockton Wills, Ph.B., Ph.M., A.lVT.,Lit.D., Montgomery 1. Shroyer, Ph.B., S.T.B., A.M., Ph.D., Professor of English Assistant Professor of Biblical Literature Jackson Pyburn Sickles, B.S., Ph.D., "On leave of absence. Instructor ill Chemistry "*Second semester, 1940-41.
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