Page 65 - YB1939
P. 65
!~ .f~ gWteeoe SAL TIMORE, MD. Blond, facetious, Sunday School prexy . . . good-looking, popular campus personality ... at one time called for his dates by number, now that number has dwindled to one ... took his A.B. on the three-year plan . . . star intramural athlete ... perfect composure, no matter what the occasion ... can be serious and often is. e~glutnk WESTMINSTER, MD. A dainty little girl from "downtown" ... has definite "inter, ests" off campus ... a characteristic walk ... an etheral glide on the dance floor ... a radiant smile bestowed gener- ously but not promiscuously ... lively but quiet ... energetic but unaggressive ... a reserved yet fluent talker regardless of the company or occasion. :h~ eII~ gmdh SAL TIMORE, MD. Lively and unsophisticated ... consistent and altruistic .. characterized by a cultivated, deliberate manner of speech ... an outward appearance of dignity is often broken by a hidden and surprisingly subtle wit ... charming personality and quiet serene manner long slender fingers are indicative of a fine artistic ability cooperative and conscientious in her varied activities-academic, publications, social. Alalf eaitwune g~ HAMPSTEAD, MD. Efficient homemaker and church worker ... unruffled and quiet (at times) ... musically active ... has a weakness for spice cup cakes from the grill ... quiet one moment and sparkling the next ... easily provoked to laughter ... has a dignity developed by frequent responsibility which she takes with vigor and action ... never quibbles, but makes action her keynote. Sixty-one
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