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e~:b~R~ BALTIMORE, MD. "Kay" a source of never-ending delight to those who know her likes bracelets and red nail polish. , , has an infectious, unique giggle, , . frequently bursts into a neigh, bor's room with the never-failing "let's talk" ... takes life easy ... her nonchalance is amazing ... nothing seems to matter except Bob. 1Ja/Um gcltae/Jtn BALTIMORE, MD. Curly-haired, congenial, conscientious ... a strange com' bination of talents that permits success in the curriculum and the extra-curriculum at the same time , .. gets coop, eration by setting an indefatigable example ... a liberal progressive in philosophy and action ... revels in friendly verbal battles ... continually twirls an unruly black curl as if to impel his thought ... admires beautfiul women, under, stands none. RokvdR~g~ JAMESTOWN, N. Y. Pleasant, good-looking, and serious . . . makes the most of every opportunity with his infectious laugh ... a Terror on the gridiron, he trims his windows with dainty lace curtains . . . became a football star in his senior year . . . capable fraternity president ... well-liked and appreciated ... a "Bachelor"-though probably not for long. PORT DEPOSIT, MD. Quiet, unobtrusive, medium-sized serious, thoughtful, cap' able ... journalist and debater reserves his comment for formal presentation ... leisurely in attitude ... industrious in achievements ... friendly and influential a leader who has risen steadily and without great "to-do" sometimes seems to have an utter disregard for everything adroitly inter, jects a slow subtle humor ... an earnest, determined reformist with his editorial column. *' Fifty-eight
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