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d)~e~gitud EDEN, MD. Clever and versatile ... "Georgie's" blond curls atop bright pink chiffon make a lasting impression ... at home with a brush and easel ... a talented Thespian and a versatile sportswoman ... has a vivid imagination which comes to the fore in home ec. classes ... intends to buy a riding habit (among other things) with her first school-marm's pay. BALTIMORE, MD. Sports editor and publicity manager ... thinks with a cute twitch of the proboscis ... always in a hurry except when with Margaret ... expert biologist but a real "mixer" in chern lab · .. fills his windows with various colored milk bottles and blinker lights ... spreads good cheer at Christmas with his "cards." TANEYTOWN, MD. Quiet, dreamy, and serene ... affable, efficient, and unaffected · .. her brown hair always carefully curled ... a quiet smile . well-dressed and meticulous ... never hurried or ruffled at her best in commercial-a typical secretary, neat and exact · .. comes to the Hill every morning with Homer, her magnifi- cent obsession. BALTIMORE, MD. 'Tommy". . . brilliantly original, zealously versatile, ex- ceptionally meticulous ... not overly modest ... his daily routine consists of a letter to the Mrs., his feud with Oleair, and his afternoon nap ... ever ready to argue or eat, "little Napoleon" holds his own with the best of 'em seriously intends to start as a teacher, end as a politician first in the class to become a benedict. Sixty-five
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