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BALTIMORE, MD. Emperor, Duke, Ace "Alex" is an inspiring leader, capably filling many offices an unassuming, quiet manner that would appear to be shyness and a serious expression belie a quick, lively wit, a hair-trigger laugh, a spirit ready for fun ... seemingly unconcerned, he never puts his hand where his heart is not. M~t~R~1J, TANEYTOWN, MD. Witty, wise, efficient ... a summer dietitian and a go·od "home-ecker" ... can keep a straight face under all circum, stances but cannot hide that twinkle in her eyes ... has the characteristic family flare for chemistry ... enjoys experi- menting with anything ... excels in specialty dancing in the day-room. Mall,! M~ RoIJIJ CUMBERLAND, MD. Baton and five-inch pile of music ... Mona Lisa smile hidden somewhere near the surface ... exacting, yet friendly cus- todian of the book store ... founder and leader of the Sunday School choir ... talented pianist and vocalist ... vitally interested in religious work ... crackers and peanut butter every night ... a generous nature and stately bearing. HAGERSTOWN, MD. "Hi there" accompanied by a wide, sincere grin-it's Lois ... sweet and friendly ... takes a lively interest in all her ac- quaintances ... quiet and reserved ... likes to drop in to visit at odd moments ... one of those rare personalities who can listen with undivided attention ... likes to roller-skate and is an accomplished knitter. Fifty-seven
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