Page 58 - YB1939
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C~ ,t/lfted P~d. WORCESTER, MASS. "Frosty" ... escapader, funster, prankster ... tall and blond with an explosive laugh and catchy expressions ... never still-never quiet ... knows everyone, goes everyplace . . . captain on the gridiron major of the battalion ... a real leader in every way always ready to do a favor and be helpful. eCi/l~ Naomi Picleett CLARKSVILLE, MD. Does her utmost to share what she has with others generously distributes chicken salad, cake, and olives ... accomplished Thespian, with her enjoyable performances in speech plays and recitals ... frequently spends the week-ends at home ... has definite leanings toward domestic life ... enjoys playing dormitory pranks ... believes in "blinking her lights on and off." qet).lUjia 'Wood SAL TIMORE, MD. Striking blond with natural poise that is captivating member of the May Court for three years ... dresses in good taste-even studies with a hat on a movie-goer who prefers Ned Sparks to Robert Taylor envied for her quiet composure and casual manner of accepting things as they are ... believes that Baltimore is the only place for the week-ends. Sieoen jOhn RaJatoo.dch FALLSTON, PA. "The Hulk" ... wavy blond hair, baby-blue eyes, a bashful smile, and built like a dreadnaught ... feuds constantly with the "Hermit" when they're not holding down the left side of the line ... always "rotting" and always complaining but manages on eighteen hours of sleep a day ... likes girls but food takes preference ... serious, studious, quiet, and likable. Fijty,jour
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