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INDIAN HEAD, MD. Pride of Indian Head ... first to know and spread the latest news . . . prone to draw quick and sometimes exaggerated conclusions ... his unusual laugh and nondescript singing betray his presence ... studies in ultra relaxed positions, unconsciously stroking his thinning hair ... expounds pro' fusely his theories on women ... perennially talkative and cheerful, "Pip" lightens our darker moments. PHILADELPHIA, PA. "Moon," highly descriptive sobriquet of the senior man most nearly parted with his hair ... holds his own at bridge or pool · .. as a basketballer he specializes in one' hand shots ... says the unexpected and unconventional. laughing heartily at his own quips ... shouts and sings at the top of his voice ... makes decisions quickly, takes worries lightly ... forever with "Mots." SCHENECTADY, N. Y. "Ann" ... seemingly quiet New Yorker ... athletic, fun' loving, radiantly healthy ... loves winter sports ... expounds her boundless energy hiking, skiing, horseback riding, etc .... yet is domestically inclined ... makes management house a rare treat with her incessant humor ... conscientious student · .. sincere ... likes long tramps outdoors and taffy pulls ... her life is filled with interesting and worthwhile activities. DARLINGTON, MD. Soft, laughing eyes ... a sympathetic, cheerful outlook on life ... always interested and ready to render a quiet and unassuming helpfulness ... thorough, efficient, reliable ... an active Thespian ... studies contemporary drama and poetry · .. an art student who is well versed in the works of culture and true scholarship. Fortu-nine
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