Page 105 - YB1938
P. 105
FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS SHERWOOD BALDERSON President HAROLD MARTIN Vice-President JAMES COLEMAN Secretary PROFESSOR JOHN ELLIOTT FRANK B. HURT WORTHINGTON BELT Honorary Member FERDINAND FORTHMAN SECOND SEMESTER OFFICERS SHERWOOD BALDERSON President HAROLD MARTIN Vice-President WORTHINGTON BELT JOHN ELLIOTT Cheplsm Serqeent-at-Arms ON February over a store in common interests and friendships, themselves by oath to foster a spirit of brotherhood among SHERWOOD BALDERSON themselves. President They gave a name, formulated a ritual, and drew up a They assumed as their ideals the ac- complishment of true brotherhood, a reasonable proficiency in scholarship, unity of social interests, and development of physical ability. They reminded themselves to be ever mindful of their obligation to themselves and to the organization in regard to personal conduct. With these aims in view, they submitted themselves to the care of the Divine Power and earnestly solicited His guidance and direction in their efforts to maintain thesehigh ideals. The name which they had given to their organization was Alpha Gamma Tau and they were its charter members. The meeting place has the membership has changed, but the name, ritual, and remained the same. We, the present members, have a deep feeling of respect for those twelve, and can only hope that we have been worthily bearing that name and that we have been honest in calling those ideals ours. one hundred one
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