Page 103 - YB1938
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FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS VIRGINIA CALLOWAY President ELLEN HANCOCK Vice-President WINIFRED HARWARD Secretary MARJORIE McKENNEY Treasurer ELlZABETH ERB Alumnae Secretary MISS ESTHER SMITH MARTHA YOCUM Serqeent-et-Arms Sponsor SECOND SEMESTER OFFICERS ELLEN HANCOCK President SUE IRWIN Vice-President VIRGINIA KAROW Secretary DOROTHY SMITH Treasurer ELIZABETH ERB Alumnae Secretary CAROLYN SMITH Serqeant-et-Arms SIGMA SIGMA TAU was not disappointed in its expectations of a successful and happy year. Fall rushing season was opened auspiciously. A busload of thrilled, excited girls attended the Boslon College-Western Maryland football game in Baltimore Stadium on November 6, enjoyed a delicious meal afterward, and concluded a perfect day with a moonlight ride back to the Hill. The most eventful action of the year was that of changing our name from the W. W. Club to Sigma Sigma Tau Sorority. Thanksgiving-Homecoming Day! Initiation-fun for all! The new year. resolutions the tea dance with our brother Fraternity, Pi Alpha Alpha club elections the old officers banquet. Winter rushing and more teas. Spring vacation over. informal suppers. Then the Wonderball Hike ... delicious food and a wonder- ful time. There is an end to all good things so must this year have VIRGINIA CALLOWAY its ending. Graduation brings both happiness and regrets. ELLEN HANCOCK The Senior Dinner .. approaching separation saddens us. Presidents ninety·nine
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