Page 92 - YB1937
P. 92
II. O. T. C • II 1 F I" E T 1<; 1\ ~I T~a~i~~~d~a~~~i==e:~.~:Ca~~h~:7~e;t~ag::!i::~~~~n!~r~:~:h::t~;S;:?I::~~~~n~:~: [of ore. only a few shouider-ro-shcclder matches have teen engaged in by the team. This year seven shoulder-to-shoulde:r matches, as well as many telegraphic matches. were fired. Among the opponents were Camp M eade. University of Maryland, Frederick rifle team, Johns Hopkins University, and George- (own Universiw The team also competed in the William Randolph Hearst Trophy match, the Third Corps Area match. and the National haer-Ccllegiate match. The results of the Hearst Trophy match accorded Western Maryland's first learn ninth place. which place it maintained in the Third Corps Area match and in the National Intercollegiate match Although the rating made by this year's ream compares favorably with those of former years, it was not sufficiently high to win an award in any of the three matches, The season's high man was Cadet Major Roland Armacost, captain of the team. Armacost will be lost [0 the team next year through graduation, as will be Luman and Hoffa. With only these three changes. the team will have a fine starting point for next year's schedule. The shoulder-to-shoulder matches were 1359 Western Maryland College 1317 Uni",ersity of Maryland 1291 Johns Hopkins University Wt:Stern Maryland College 1292 Georgetown University 1263 Fort C. C. Meade 1280 Western Maryland College 1274 Western Maryland College 1290 1285 Frederick rifle team Johns Hopkins University 1284 Western Maryland College 1280 Fi"I, •• R Arma.cast R Watkh"lS.H Myers. L P..rktr. G Grl~r. M t-kndrlckson. R Luman s..rauntu,,!O S.r."J ,(11#- R Hdl G M)'t'rs N Rausch. R Brook,. A Muon 88
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97