Page 89 - YB1936
P. 89
MIRIAM WORGAN WHITFIELD Gold Bug Staff, 3, ~, Exchange Editor, 4; Coliegt Playo". 3; Dehating. 4: !"lornaUonal R.laUom Club 1. 3, 4; Philo-BrOUJnin8. I, 1. 3; L. Cercle Franwis, I: SllCk.spoare Club. I: y, W. C. A .. I. 2; SUfldoy School. 2; W. A. A .. I . . Miriam" she could bea reviewer of current books and she is a smart edition of Vogue fastidious poised yet she understands the mystries or the Ccnsriroricn a discriminating individual ELVA ELIZABETH WOLFORD PH! ALPHA l1V. Trcasuru, 3. Vi«-Prcsident. 4- Presidont, 4; !fI/u·Sorority Coundl. 4; Aloha Staff. 3. 4; Players. 4; Home Ewnomics Club, I. 2.3.4; Libby" Y. W. C. A_, I, 2. 3. 4; W. A, A .• I, 2. - never: says she at trective . independent. execunve .. has a definite flare for art and costume designing better late than likes good books-even buys frank them. 83
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