Page 87 - YB1936
P. 87
FRANK BUTTON WADE ALPHA GAMMA TAU. PmitiMI. ~; Inler- Fralunily Council. Presidonl. 4; Officer. Club: R. 0, T. C. Firsl L;eut",,~"1 Comp~ny "C"; Saccor, Foothall. 2, 3: Baseball, I, 1; Intra-Mural Alh- 1.2,3.4 "Reds" politician from Southern Maryland consistently happy humarausand enter- able to take a jake an himself. fits well any social circle headed for matri- mony, we hear. MURIEL MARGARET WALTZ Philo-B'~wning, I. z. 3: Y. W. C. A., I. 2, 3. ~: Sunday School. I. 1 3; W. A. A .. I, 1. 3. ~ 'Muriel" ... athletic .. a co-ed baseball pitcher plays who can actually throw curved balls makes a good lavestaknit. tennis before breakfast light - hearted . amiable generaus cambinationout of dates and studies 81
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