Page 85 - YB1936
P. 85
FRANCIS WORTI-[INGTON THOMAS ALPHA GAMMA TAU, Vicc,Prw'd.,,/. ~.. Officer; Cluh .. R. O. T. C. Fi,,/ Lieul~,tan/ Company . B" .. In/,o-Mural A/M.IiĀ«, I, 2, 1, ~. 'Babe' took the plunge into matrimony sportsman and a good sport . the life of any party hale-fellow_well_met speedy in the water and on land. LOIS ADELE THOMPSON Aloha AJCcrIl~i"8 Siaff; Y. W. C. II.. I. 2. 3, 4.. Sunday 5<1,011/. 4; IV. A. A. I. v e Fortune reller "Tcrnmy" .. does things with her hair .. circu- a hl.lnterfor always ready for something ncw and magazines. - lalcs"snappy"langl.lage likes 10 be around when there is different .. excitement 79
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