Page 93 - YB1936
P. 93
The gay young sophomores return, and, old owls now, OUf sophisticated conversation is far above the heads of the freshmen. After they have sufficiently recognized our superior status, we initiate them into the "gay White Way" at the Hallowe'en dance. Christmas approaches and the sophomores turn "magician" at the formal Christmas Banquet. Then. along in May, the Comprehensives show us that we comprehend little. We carryon the traditional "ivy planting" in honor of the seniors. Aloha Oe- Vacation Jolly juniors with a carefree air. but thinking seriously of OUf "careers." Burdens on our shoulders "little sisters" . education courses. The Christmas Banquet climaxed by our dance for the freshmen the new gym echoes and re-echoes the holiday spirit-the fighting spirit persists, and we continue the traditional Senior Breakfast. The eve of vacation "doth murder sleep" and the senior class doth murder food. Plans for the Junior Prom "Be Different" is our motto the prom is our fullfillment. The Prom Queen, selected by Jack Benny, leads the grand march as "Hctcha" Gardner and his band play "Dear Western Maryland." The floor is crowded . electrically lighted baloons and blue and silver lattices everywhere . a gala affair. the juniors at their best Senior Farewell in Robinson Garden. We find it hard to relinquish our claims on the steadfast seniors. Visions of senior days for us float through our minds 1 The Class of '37 can rank with the best of them. Our All-Maryland football players, our walking spor-ts encyclopedia are more than class. Soon to be seniors! With a world of knowledge still in store for us. 87
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