Page 80 - YB1936
P. 80
EDWARD RICHARD SIMMS Y. M C. A. J; S""day School J; lnlra-Mural Alhle/I". I 'Dick" takes time our for the seriOllSside of life finds (un in unusual silualions a clever speaker orbragging. VERNON REYNOLDS SIMPSON DELTA PI ALPHA, Secrelary, 3, 4; Inler_Fra/a_ flily Caund/, 3, { Secretar.lI, -I; Gold B\Jg, J, 2; Aloha. 2. 3. Art Edilor, 3: Debating Squad, 3. {; Officers'Cluh. -I; R. O. T. C. Firsl U""lo"a,,1 ComĀ· pany "8"; F".hma" Foothall; 2; l"lra- Mural AIMoiles /.2, 3,~: !-Ionorablo - "Ray" sometimes sencus always dependable fakes life as it comes a slrummero(lIkelelelunes an artist of Consid- erable a subtle humorist fond of 74
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