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RAYMOND THOMAS SHIPLEY ALPHA GAMMA TAU, Sure/ary. 4: T"asuru Senior Cia •• : Aloha SlajJ; Y. M. C A., I, 2. 3. ~; Sunday School. I. 2: Club; R. O. T. C, First Licu/cna,,/ Compa"y 'C'; SOlC... I. 2: /"lro.Mural Alhlelics, I. 2, 3. 4. sonality makes friend~ almost at a glance profound in his thinking never misses a chance for fun a ccnscienricus student. ROSALIE GERTRUDE SILBERSTEIN ARGONAUTS, President, 4; Gold Bug. Fea/u," Ednar. 3. Editor-In-Chie], 4.- Aloha. Copy Ed.-/or, ClaS! H,'./ariun, 2. 3. {. College Playu" 3, 4; L. C.,d. Francois, 2. 3. {. Scc,"/ary. 3: DohalinB. 3.- Philo.B,owning. I. 2, 3. Pr.sir/",/, 3.- Choir, 2.- In/ernul/anal Rdalions Club. 2. 3. s. Virc·Prcsident. 3: 2; H011araMe A. Club, I; Normenl Sp"uh I; Sunday &hool. I. I· 2.- German Sure/ary. - paint 'Boots" .. prizes odd letrers and odd acquaintances Conl .. /onl, W. 2.3 dabbles in printers' ink and grease is the "TOP" capers in puns. papers. classes, always. everywhere shows a sensitive smile. 73
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