Page 75 - YB1936
P. 75
IDAMAE THOMAS RILEY TAU KAPPA ALPHA, 3, +: ARGONAUTS; Gold Bug, 2. 3, 4, Copy Edilor, 3. A •.lOriol. Edilor, 4; Aloha. Copy Edilor, 4: I nlernoUonol RoioliollS Club, 3. {Presidenl. 4: Phllo,Browning. f. 2. 3; Sunday School, I. 2. 3; German Club, I; y, W. C A I, 2; DebaUng. 2, 3. 4; {)"anoger. 3. 4; IV. A. A.; HO'lorabieMcnlion.I.2.3. I. T" incongruous hybrid of fact and fancy ... restive,. lypeS, talks. and eats at the same time . political commentator ... member of the "Brain_ " advisor of her lovelorn sidekicks MARGUERITE GUMM RINGLER PHI ALPHA MU. Pmidenl, 4; Inlu-Sororlly Council. 3, 4; Aloha. Ad»crlising Siaff; College Play_ y, IV. C A" I, 2. 3. 4; S'lfldoy School. I, 2: 2; W. A_ A., I. 2. 3. then some .. - thinks everyone should get his haircut, have his busy. busy-and "Marge' agiftformakingfriends '·coca-colawithice" .. face lifted. and fall in love when Spring rolls around 69
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